UE Boom 2

UE have proven themselves the top dogs of wireless speakers. Whereas the Wonderboom is small and vibrant and fun, the Boom 2 is a bit more sophisticated in sound and look: but without sacrificing that killer bass.

Look: Elegantly made, with a host of different colours to pick from.
Controls: The volume, connectivity and on/off are super simple – it’s when you bring in the tap controls it gets a bit complex. You have to download the app to enable them – and then they’re a bit tricky to wrap you head around – but once you have they’re surprisingly nuanced.
Sound quality: Crisper than it’s Wonderboom younger brother, the Boom 2 is the sophisticated older sibling; with massive sound and their trademark bass. The accompanying app offers full control of the audio setting – allowing you to boost the bass and treble if needed – which is a neat touch.
Battery life: 15 hours from one charge.
Portability: Fairly lightweight and durable, this is another one you can chuck in your bag and go
Waterproof? It’s IPX7-equipped – meaning it can be dunked in water (up to a meter deep) for 30 minutes at a time – so there’s no problem if you want o listen in the shower or leave it outside in the rain.
Connectivity: Connects at a press of a button, and no dropouts at all.
Best bit: The sound – UE are the champions at getting a huge sound out of something tiny.
Worst bit: The tap controls can take getting used too (but they do mean you can skip songs you don’t want to listen to – something that lots of their rivals don’t offer!)
Bottom line: Another brilliant option from UE – the Boom 2 is the perfect travelling companion. Lightweight, durable but without sacrificing the sound.

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